Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gnorm and the Girlie Weekend


I took Gnorm along on a girlie weekend in Madison with my friends Megan and Dani, and he had a blast. It was pretty hard to get him to behave, especially since it was St Patrick's Day weekend.....
My gorgeous friends were willing to play model for me, too...I'll post some of those to my business blog


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!! I love how the New Porn sign showed up oh so well!! Love it! Gnorm is a drunk!! and he's SMOKING?? What kind of supervision was there in Madison.. too cute!

Eve said...

Hi Rebecca!
I love your blog and photography! I'm also happy to see Chumley's tests were fine! I LOVE your new bike too! I have a Suzuki GSXF Katana and am loving life. I've been riding 14 years. I hope the weather breaks soon, it's really time to get out there and ride!
I working on starting my own photography business, it's tough but hope to get a website soon.