Saturday, May 19, 2007

T Minus 10 hours

Ten hours from this moment I will be nervously standing in the parking lot of Lambeau Field, staring down the starting line of the Green Bay Marathon.
...well, I suppose I'll actually be staring down the back of some dude in Nair-short nylon running shorts and neon green racing singlet.....
And I won't really be will be more of a bounce-and-rock manuever reminiscent of Rainman missing Wapner.
Oh, yeah...and I'll be verging on losing my cheerios and coffee.

The race starts at 7:00 am, which means that Jo and I will be on the road well before 6:00. Apparently there are only 2,000 parking spots for 6,000 runners. The starting line and finish line take up a lot of the Lambeau parking lot, which eats up a lot of stalls. They are anticipating major parking issues. I think I'm more nervous about finding parking and getting to the start on time than I am running 26.2 miles.

They are predicting that it will be 44 degrees at the start, and about 52 when we finish. AM clouds, afternoon sun. I bought a long sleeved running shirt today at the marathon expo, so I'll have something weather-appropriate to it's super cute--bright pink and orange baseball style shirt.

So at least I'll look cute laying spread eagle in the middle of the road at mile 24.....

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