Sunday, July 01, 2007

Glamour Shots

I still haven't been running. My lungs are just now starting to clear up, after three weeks of nastiness. I haven't run since the two times in Orlando 1.5 weeks ago. I'm obsessing about how I'm feeling like a big tub o' lard and am dying to run off the OCD and some of the tub. Hopefully tomorrow.

I have been focusing so much on developing my natural light photography that I've not touched my studio lights for months. I thought I'd spend a little time in my basement studio to knock the dust off.
Here is Chris' Glamour Shots-style portrait....

And a couple of the dogs. Chumley, the Golden Retriever, is 10 1/2 years old and Holly, the Black Lab, is 4 1/2.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Oh my gawd.. come to Utah and take pictures of my doggies? Puhleaze? Those are awesome!