Friday, August 24, 2007

My website

I did a lot of updating on my photos added, old removed, did some more editing to existing ones. I think it looks much better. I'd love for you to take a look and let me know what you think. My friend and photographer extraordinaire (yeah, I know I spelled that wrong, but the spellcheck wouldn't help me out) Amy (there is a link to her site in my sidebar) helped me pick which photos to add. Please always feel free to leave comments here....I never get them and they make my day when I do ;)


Unknown said...

I'm a friend of the photographer extraordinaire (great job on the spelling by the way :). Your new site is beautiful. I love the new photos. Amy has gotten me into stalking many blogs, yours being one of them. The photos give you feeling and capture that moment that every parent wants to preserve. Keep up the great work!

Reb said...

Thank you Shannon!! You made my day!

Anonymous said...

I am also just blog-surfing tonight. Got to your blog from ILP. You have some really amazing images on your site. I really enjoyed it.