Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours.....

...That apparently was the saying of the day at the girls' daycare. Well, the unofficial saying of the day. Okay, so just the saying of the day for five of the children... Okay, so they didn't actually say, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" but they meant it.

and Libby was one of the above mentioned five. And the only girl.

I got a call at work from Catherine, telling me that Libby was involved (okay, maybe an instigator) in a five child game of 'show and tell'. Five three and four year olds were caught with their pants down (literally) today, admiring one anothers privates. Catherine tells me that Libby was quite amazed by "K"'s penis.

She called them out of the play room and talked with them. Told them that they must keep their pants on at school and they went back to play.

And then Libby got caught doing it again.
That's my little hussy.....

Tonight I had a nice heart to heart with my three year old about keeping her pants on and then ran my personal best 5K. I'm still a minute and a half slower than my running partner, so I'd better kick it into gear on my speed training.

1 comment:

Matt said...

That post is hysterical. We got a very similar call from daycare a couple years ago when our now-seven-year-old did the same thing with a bunch of her friend.

Anyway, I actually came to show you a tutorial I put up on my blog about doing custom headers in blogger beta 'cause I saw your question.