Monday, January 15, 2007

Life Is Two Crazy....

With Chris traveling for work, me still healing from the surgery, working full time and today's snowstorm things are a little nuts right now....
Two houses to shovel today
Two little girls to get up and to daycare then home and fed and bathed and occupied while shoveling two houses
Two dogs to care for and two dogs' worth of wet paw prints on the floor to clean up
Two Slim Fasts, strawberry for breakfast and chocolate for lunch
Two grapefruits in the evening
Two times that my Ear Nose & Throat doctor told me today that he "even gagged after that one" when trying to clean out my messed up left sinus during my unexpected visit today (after increased pain and swelling).
Two painkillers taken today after not needing to take any for a while.
Two books at bedtime for Libby...Spookly the Pumpkin and a Dragontales book...
Two baths given this evening to two dirty little girls
Two tons of laundry to do but no desire to do it
Two days left (I hope just two) of the same.

Oh, and I have not run yet this week and have to get three good ones in. After this week I NEED to get up to four runs a week...three 5-6 milers and one long run on the weekend. I am getting really worried that I'm not going to get on track with my marathon training. Having to take time off from running because of my surgery and it's complications (like today)...and moving and schedule challenges with Chris gone.... has really got me scared that I won't have what it takes to get back to level of dedication that I need.

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